
Dear Parents,

Welcome to Lexie’s Little Bears Child Care. Have a look around my website and get to know the staff and program. We are a beautifully unique Nature based centre that is strongly influenced by the the Reggio-Emilia Philosophy.

“The positive emotions associated with play are as important as the skills they are building in creating a disposition that embraces learning. Play is vital to young children’s daily lives and promotes their healthy physical and intellectual development in ways that cannot be achieved by focusing on narrow pre-academic skills, such as counting to 10 or learning the alphabet. For example, when children play with blocks, sand, and water, they are learning the basis of logical and mathematical thinking, scientific reasoning, and cognitive problem-solving. During group play activities with their peers, children are building relationships, combining ideas, compromising, developing oral narratives, and learning to take the perspective of others key elements of social competence, creative thinking, imagination and early literacy. Natural environments may play a particularly important role in promoting children’s early learning. Exposure to natural environments strengthens children’s relationship to nature, building the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual connections that are a necessary motivation for environmental stewardship. Natural environments also provide the perfect setting for holistic learning.” – B.C. Early Learning Framework.

We have three centers on the property, the Bear House, the Cub House, and the Bear Den. The Bear House is our 3 to 5 program and it is Licensed for 25 children. The Cub House is our Infant/ Toddler program licensed for 16 children under 36 months. The Bear Den has been re-finished to allow another Infant/Toddler program for 8 children under 36 months.

“Children’s learning environments should be flexible enough to support their holistic learning styles. Environments that support physical activity are needed for healthy child development. Physical activity enhances brain development, coordination, social skills, gross motor skills, emotions, leadership, and imagination. Supporting children to engage in physical activity also helps them to build confidence and self-esteem, and to learn to enjoy being active.” – B.C. Early Learning Framework.

As you may begin to realize, a quality Licensed child care program is not easy to find so I would encourage you to add your child’s name to our waitlist as soon as possible. (there is no fee required to do so)

I would HIGHLY recommend families who are newly expecting their first child to add your name right away as our wailtist can exceed two years waiting time! (Yes, we are taking names well into 2018 already!) ~ I look forward to meeting you and your families!


Lexie Biegun

Early Childhood Educator, E.C.E
Pedagogical Leader/Visionary Director




I highly recommend this daycare! My daughter has so much fun and the staff are wonderful!

Mariel May


When thinking about putting LO in child care I did my research (was impressed) visited (very impressed) my son is now in Lexie's and I'm over the moon with happiness. Such a great nature based child care program, and the staff are amazing!

Nikki Summers


We are so happy to be part of the Little Bears "family". Seeing my daughters face at pickup and listening to all her wonderful stories on our drive home is my very favourite part of the day!!

Kristyn Fuzi


The girls in the Cub House have been so fantastic throughout our little guy's transition into the daycare world. It's a great feeling to be able to go to work, do your job, and know that your child is being (very) well cared for.

Michelle Nicolson


All of the teachers have been incredible to our son, they are so loving and caring and i always feel confident dropping him off in the mornings. I love that he is able to spend most of the day outdoors, as the highlands offers so much to be explored! I recommend Lexie's to everyone!

Rachel Freeman


We offer four custom, incredible, facilities at Lexie’s Little Bears; The Bear House, The Bear Den, The Cub Housed and The Spirit Bear Lodge.


Our Educators are handpicked by Lexie and they are trained through our own in-house professional development in the Reggio-Emilia Pedagogy.


Children are the foundation of our community and our future. It takes a village to raise a child, and in our case an amazing team of dedicated educators!

Upcoming Reggio-Inspired Workshops

* My Reggio-Inspired workshop series will be starting this September 2019. Registration will begin in July. The workshops will be held on-site at Lexie’s Little Bears Child Care in the Spirit Bear Lodge. Classes will be limited to 15 people. Depending on interest, classes may be repeated.


*In-house Reggio-inspired consultations and tours may be requested by contacting Lexie Directly. ($150.00 hr.)


*Private tours can also be booked directly through Lexie for Professional Development hours. ($150.00 hr.)


*Workshops off-site can be booked based on a variety of Reggio-Inspired Topics. ($150.00 hr.)


*International speakers/guests can be accommodated on site.


Please contact Lexie to reserve our in-house suite.

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